Professional career Rudolf Erlinger - Dres. Erlinger & Kollegen

Akademische Lehrpraxis der Universität Tübingen
Akademische Forschungspraxis der Universität Heidelberg
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Professional career Rudolf Erlinger


General practitioner, Medical practice, Stuttgart (Germany) since 4/82
Staff physician, Department of laboratory medicine, Städtische Krankenanstalten, Esslingen (G), 1/81-12/81
Staff physician, Department of internal medicine, Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus, Stuttgart (G), 1/78-12/80
Research associate, Institute of clinical pharmacology (IKP) at the Robert-Bosch-Foundation, 1/78-12/80
Research associate, Institute of forensic medicine, University of Tübingen (G), 1/76-12/77
Research fellow, Institute of biological chemistry, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart (G), 1/73-12/75
Graduate scolarship from the University of Hohenheim


Good Clinical Practice                 PRIMECON                                   12.01.2018

Good Clinical Practice                 DGPharMed                                  16.12.2015
Good Clinical Practice                 DGPharMed                                  04.12.2013        
Good Clinical Practice                 DGPharMed                                  26.01.2011
Good Clinical Practice                 DGPharMed                                  05.11.2010

Sponsor Novo Nordisk                                                                         25.07.2016                                                                    


GCP Inspection Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart                             28.06.2017

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